The application gives you the possibility to play the selected sound only once, turn on or off the repeating mode, specify the time interval in seconds so the repeating process takes place at the intervals that you determine, and enter the sound level.
In addition, you may use the microphone for altering the voice, enable or disable the microphone, adjust the voice distortion, as well as randomize the voice changer. Haunted House Echo Sound Effects allows you to adjust the delay, decay and output volume using simple actions. Once you add the files, it automatically displays them in a list and provides details about each one, such as name, repeating interval, echo, intensity, length, and number of seconds until the next play. There’s no support for importing options so you need to manually place the target audio files that you want to mix in the folder where the utility is installed. It works only with WAV recorded audio items. The tool sports a clean and simple interface that embeds only a few configuration settings that you can play with for overlaying audio files.
Wav files download sound effects windows#
Haunted House Echo Sound Effects is a small Windows application designed specifically for helping you mix up to 100 audio files at once into a loop so they are replayed continuously.